Morning Routine

I believe that every morning has so much potential; early morning is a powerful and sacred time for personal ritual and practice that can carry you through your whole day. But also, a good nigh sleep makes for the best mornings; when I am well rested I feel that I am more in tuned with the start of the day, more grounded and connected. 
Establishing a morning ritual, or routine can make each morning less unpleasant and more exciting, over time and slowly these practices can become ingrain. Every morning I like to dedicate at least 6 10 minutes to yoga, depending on the day I am leaving the house be it at 5:30 am or 7am, I modify the sequence to accommodate for the day. On days where my morning starts at 4:50 am I dedicate at least 5-6 minutes of morning to a Surya Namaskara A and B, or a simple flow that integrates it simple sun salutation. Whereas, on days where I have leave late in the morning I dedicate at least 20 to 30 of my morning to simple flow. 
So here is my go to routine that only takes 6 minutes of my morning, this routine is great for the morning to start to open up your whole body, from your spine to hamstring. I love doing this routine especially when it’s freezing cold because it allows me to build up heat in my body. A simple sun salutation or sequences of asanas can open the chest, and throat and remove congestion in the respiratory organs. As always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program, regardless of the intensity of the practice.


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