Carrot and Cucumber pasta Pesto

It still amazes me how much excesses I come up for not blogging, but here I am blogging so its fine. Even thought I haven't tried any new recipes lately, this recipe is an long one i tried long time ago. Lately I've noticed that all the recipes i try seems to revolve around pesto sauce which is really strange, but then again who does not love pesto.With the aid of the amazing cooking blog of Betacyanin I had the chance of trying out this really simple, and cost affordable recipe. The version I did is completely different than the original one, but as always I like giving credit where I got the recipe, above all to give you guys the option of trying both. Here is the link for the original recipe: Betacyanin.
Here is MY version of the recipe

  •  1 large Basil or spinach ( I prefer the spinach) 
  • 1/2 medium clove garlic 
  • handful of almond (nuts are optional)
  • sesame oil or roasted garlic oil
  • Pinch of sea salt 
  • grated lemon zest 
  • 2 carrot 
  • Shaved parmesan
  • Cucumber 
  • Carrot/cucumber pasta: shave the carrots and cucumber with a vegetable peeler. Set aside and attend to the pesto
  • Pesto: In a blunder or food processor chop the garlic, along with basil or spinach, add lemon zest, salt, and oil. Blend everything together till fine, or desirable texture.
  • In bowl mix carrot pasta with pesto drizzle parmesan cheese, and roasted garlic oil, served with white (Jackson-Triggs) wine and side with any type of bread. 
  • Makes 2 serving


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