Amazing Vegan Receipes
Namasta, I haven't uploaded or written anything for months, but the wait is completely worth it. Over the courses of the months, I've been trying new recipes and most of them turned out pretty good, the amazing thing most of them cost me less then $5 dollars.
The first recipes is mix of rices and lentil.
The Following rices,
Direction: Cook all the different types of rice together, in a largepot of well salted water. Cook the rice the way you prefer to cook it. Then cook the lentil in another pot of well salted water, for about 8 minutes. Mix the rice and lentil and add spices togive it flavour.
The Second recipe Macaroni Salada, from 101 cookbook,
here's the link,
As always I did my own version of the recipe.
The next recipe is the version of this recipe from 101 cookbook,
here's the link for the recipe, In my version of the recipe, I used Caned bean, cooked it for 3minutes, with salt and spices. Then Mixed the bean with green bell pepper, tomato,sliced green onions, and green chilli pepper, and red chilli pepper. Mix everything together and serve cold.

The Next recipe by far is my favourite, its sooo yumm.....
Ottolenghi Soba Noodles with Aubergine and Mango, based on the name I was scared, but as always I've decided to make it my own version, but for those who want the actually recipe can get it at, In my version of this recipe, I've used Soba noodles, firm extra firm tofu, green onion, black sesame, and sunflower seed.

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