Be unapologetic, slow down and let go

I find bumblebees to be fascinating insects because they always seem to be busy, doing something if not bothering and terrifying people they are doing something else. Among the many things I like about them is the fact that they are hardworking, and highly organized insects. It is this sense of discipline, teamwork and cooperation that draws me to them. It is easy for me to identify with their sense of discipline and perception of constantly being busy or working. Like many I enjoy being busy and buzzing around, the notion of taking a day off to just relax seems so simple to many, yet so foreign to me. I think many of us are satisfied with this bumblebee life, and there is nothing wrong with it because it is within this state of constantly being busy that we thrive and find ourselves most contented. Where the sun shines and the birds chirp. But sooner or later our bodies will send us the signal to say slow down. This is the state I found myself in today being occupied all week ...