Showing posts from April, 2013
Top Five of the Week
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1. Ottawa Eco-expo - I will talk more about the expo in the coming days. 2. International Writers Festival - I went to the Writers festivals and was impressed with the discussion. I will blog about it later in the coming days. If I can say one thing about the discussion is that it was a stimulating discourse that really got me thinking more about sustainable agriculture, and the current food system. The discussion led by three authors, Sarah Elton author of Consumed: Sustainable Food for a finite Planet , Lorraine Johnson- City Farmer: adventure in Urban Food Growing , and Berry Estabrook- Tomatoland . 3. Tattoo - I finally got my first tattoo that I've been talking about getting for years. My biggest fear was the pain that is involved in getting the tattoo, but I must say that it was not as painful as I thought it would be. I read a book while this sweet awesome guy did the tattoo. I remember asking him if its going to hurt, and his answer was that Wome...
Picture to reality: Sesame Pasta
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So, I am officially done second year, and I have to admit it was a hard year, the course load, and attempting to keep a difficult job. Regardless it was completely worth it, now I can pay attention to cooking, trying new recipes, reading for fun and not for a book report, and do a lot of yoga. I am not going to make any promise of blogging everyday because you've probably notice that I am not good with keeping my promises so, instead I am going to try to blog as much as possible, and keep you guys updated as much as possible. The next coming days are going to be great because I am attending this Eco-expo and writing festivals that I cannot wait to blog about. But till day, I am going to share with you guys some recipes that I've tried, and hopefully in the coming days give you guys an sight into African food. I was recently looking at a photo on Pinterest , and came across this really good-looking pasta that I was drooling over. Unfortunately I was not able to...